Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Curriculum Night is TONIGHT


As you may know, tonight is our 8th grade curriculum night. Parents are expected to start in their child's homeroom class.  You will receive your child's schedule, walk to each class and hear information from each teacher about curriculum this year.

Mrs. Vaughn -- Room 1202
Mr. Driver -- Room 1204
Ms. Black -- Room 1206
Mrs. Grossenbacher -- 1208

Other locations:
--Spanish will be in the media center 
--Arts (drama, photography, and art) will meet in room 2107
--Business will be in room 2102
--Engineering and International Perspectives will be in room 2108

Curriculum night is scheduled for 6:30pm-8:00pm.  If you're unable to make it, I've attached a link to my ELA presentation below.  

Have a wonderful day and thank you for all of your amazing support.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Parent Update - August 16, 2017

Greetings Silver Team Parents!

We have gotten off to a great start this year!

1. Thank you all SO MUCH for all of your incredibly generous donations of hand sanitizer, markers, paper, pencils, post-its, clorox wipes, and tissues. We are so grateful!

2. Reminders and general team info: 
*Envelopes with important paperwork will come home periodically. Please do not seal the envelope as we will use it throughout the year. You may take all paperwork out to keep, but please sign the front of the envelope indicating receipt of materials and send it back with your child to his/her homeroom class. 

*MAP testing. ELA and Reading testing is taking place in Black's class M-W this week.  Math will take place Thursday and Friday in Ms. Vaughn's class on Aug. 17-18. All makeups will take place next week and Ms. Glenn (our assistant principal over 8th grade) will pull students from connections classes to ensure all MAP testing is complete. 

*Managebac. Please be patient with us! We are adding classes and should have everything up and running in the next week or so. 

 *Be prepared for class! Please remind your child to always have his/her materials for class (pen/pencil and paper with binder if applicable). Please encourage your child to bring a snack to third period. The 8th graders have the very last lunch, and it helps to have a bit of energy before their day. If you ever would like to donate to those who may not always have a snack, let us know! Please be mindful of peanut allergies :-)
3. Communication

For grades, Managebac is the best place to check your child's upcoming assignments and grades. We will also all have Google Classroom set up for classwork, feedback for the students, class notes, and handouts. Google Classroom is available through your child, who will join in his/her classes using his/her Decatur email. 

For a conference with our team, please email Cassandra Black to set it up. We leave our Friday planning periods (1st and 2nd) for this purpose, but if this is not a convenient time for you, let us know. 504 and IEP meetings will be scheduled by our counselor Dr. LaVerne Ware. 

4. Solar eclipse information: Click here!

Thank you so much for your time and we look forward to having an amazing year with your children!