Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Picnic & Capstone Update

Thursday, May 24th--Capstone Practice & Picnic

***Students who want to bike or skateboard MUST bring their helmets.*** 

Friday, May 25th -- Capstone
Parent Tips
--No balloons or large signs, please. Flowers are acceptable.
--Doors open at 9:00am for parents and families
--Parking is limited, and seating is first come, first served.
--Programs will be provided
--The ceremony begins at 10:00am

Permission slips:  Capstone ends around noon, so please sign your child's permission form so they can be checked out or walk home after Capstone.   These slips are due Thursday morning to homeroom teachers.  Children without signed forms will report to Ms. Karably on the gym floor after Capstone and go back to RMS.

Attire:  Students should wear their formal attire with comfortable shoes for the ceremony. In the past, students typically have worn button-down shirts, ties, slacks, nice shoes, dresses, and/or skirts. We will be walking over from RMS so students should wear comfortable shoes. 

Personal Items:  We advise that students don't bring backpacks to school on Friday.  There won't be a place for them to store personal items and if they bring anything, they will have to carry it all day. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

End of the Year Events!

Wednesday, May 9
Students met this morning with experience groups to discuss behavior expectations and procedures.  

Friday, May 11th --> 8th Grade Experiences 
Every experience is leaving at a different time, so please contact the teacher/administrator in charge of the experience your child is attending if you have any questions.

Friday, May 18th --> 8th Grade Dance -- 6:30pm - 9:00pm @ RMS
Tickets are on sale NOW in the lobby at 8:10am-8:50am until May 17th and they will not be sold on the day of the dance.  Tickets are also available on Paypal through the PTA page on the RMS website.  

Tuesday, May 22nd --> Spanish Cultural Arts Celebration -- 6:00pm - 7:30pm @ DHS

Thursday, May 24th -->  Capstone PRACTICE & 8th grade picnic

Friday, May 25 --> CAPSTONE ceremony @ the DHS PAC - 10:00am
Students will arrive at school and go to their homerooms by the normal start time (8:40am).  Then, we will dismiss by homerooms and kids will walk around RMS in a loop, and all of the teachers and staff will cheer them on as they walk over to the high school PAC. The ceremony is scheduled to begin at 10:00am, and after the ceremony, students are encouraged to go home with families.  Families should receive information via email within the next week or so.  

Students are taking the Math MAP this week and Reading/Language Usage next week.  Students have been encouraged to study on IXL so they can review this year's concepts/skills.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Upcoming events!

Add these dates to your calendar!

**event details and volunteer opportunity info TBD!**

Important Dates
I Am The Unlikely Hero: Friday, February 9th  -- 6pm

8th Grade Experiences: Friday, May 11th (all day)

8th Grade Dance: Friday, May 18th --  7pm-9pm 

8th Grade Picnic: Thursday, May 24th 

8th Grade Capstone Graduation: Friday, May 25th 
(during the day, early dismissal)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Yearbook & Spirit Wear Update

Yearbook and PTA Spirit Wear
On behalf of our Yearbook Committee and Club we'd like to invite you to order one of our 50 remaining yearbooks! Please follow this link to complete the order form. As always, if you would like to donate a yearbook for those who might not be able to order one, please feel free to donate. 

Any 8th grade parents that have not yet completed an add are still welcome to do so! Please have that completed as soon as possible! 

On behalf of the RMS PTA, we'd like to remind you that Spirit Wear is still available for order through Ms. Buck on Friday mornings during homeroom, and through the PTA website. Please follow this link to pre-order, or order in person through Ms. Buck.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Silver Team Update - November 17, 2017

Greetings!  We hope everyone had an eventful and/or restful Thanksgiving.  Please see below for upcoming events and team news.

Culture of Caring
This Thursday Renfroe students will be celebrating the third annual Culture of Caring day.  During this special day, students will focus on three areas related to caring: Caring for Oneself, Caring for One’s Surroundings, and Caring in the World.  To address these areas, students will engage in unique activities that are designed to bring awareness and encourage growth.

Caring for Oneself:

Students will inquire into the notion that we must care for ourselves before being able to care for others.  We will explore exercises related to Mindfulness and attending to one’s physical, emotional and social needs.

Caring for One’s Surroundings:
Students will learn about osoji, the Japanese tradition of “big cleaning” projects within school.  In order to develop respect and appreciation for our surroundings, students will work with peers to spruce up specific sections of the school.  Click here to learn more. All osoji tasks will be conducted using safe, kid-friendly materials.

Caring in the World:
Visiting speakers will be teaching students about service opportunities in a variety of contexts.  Visitors include Ahimsa House, The Atlanta Food Bank, Compassion in World Farming, El Refugio, L’Arche, the NAACP, Habitat for Humanity, Re: Loom, Refugee Women’s Network and many, many others.  

If you are interested in supporting this special initiative, please consider giving in the following ways:
  • Do you represent a service organization that supports a cause?  Would you be interested in teaching a group of kids about your organization?  If so, please contact IB Coordinator, Kristen Karably by emailing kkarably@csdecatur.net
  • Do you have extra osoji supplies to donate?  We are collecting:
    • cleaning gloves, non-toxic cleaning wipes, “green” cleaning materials, electronic device cleaning wipes, washrags, dusting supplies etc.  
  • If you prefer to donate money for purchasing supplies and materials for service projects (such as meals-to-go for the homeless shelter), please make your check to Renfroe PTA.  Any amount will help to support our efforts and our community!

  Tutoring Times
Almost all of our students could benefit from tutoring.  Please see below for specific times that students can get help with their core subject areas.

All Classes -- EVERYDAY during homeroom
Math -- Tuesdays & Wednesdays after school
Science -- Wednesdays after school 
ELA -- Thursdays after school

Dine Out and Renfroe Day
Renfroe PTA is looking to host "Dine Out" and "Renfroe Day Out" events around Decatur and we are in need of your help! We've made great progress in talking to restaurants and some local attractions (bowling etc.) in the area, but we're looking to keep it in the family

If you have any connections to restaurants or fun locations in the area that would like to contribute to sponsoring RMS for a Dine Out night or a Renfroe Day Out, in which PTA would receive anywhere from 5%-15% of sales, we would greatly appreciate it! 

We are looking to stick to Tuesday nights or even times during the weekend when RMS staff can attend as well! 

Please reach out to Megan Buck at mbuck@csdecatur.net with any information that you might have regarding participating locations in the area. 

Thanks for all of your support! The staff and PTA greatly appreciate your efforts! 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Update - September 12, 2017

The Silver Team teachers hope you are staying safe during Hurricane Irma.  We will see you at school on Wednesday.

RMS has adopted a school in Houston and students are able to donate clothes and other supplies to their first period teachers (for 8th graders, that means connections teachers).

Please view the Slides presentation for additional details about what items are needed most.  Thank you so much for your efforts. We think this is a great opportunity for the kids to give back and make an impact.

Upcoming Dates
Thursday, September 14th ---  Picture Day 
Pre-order your pictures online at shop.legacystudios.com.  Click on the link and then enter school code 6078F18E.  After you complete your purchase, print your receipt and send it with your child on Thursday.

Monday, September 18th - Friday, September 22nd --- Fall Break

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Curriculum Night is TONIGHT


As you may know, tonight is our 8th grade curriculum night. Parents are expected to start in their child's homeroom class.  You will receive your child's schedule, walk to each class and hear information from each teacher about curriculum this year.

Mrs. Vaughn -- Room 1202
Mr. Driver -- Room 1204
Ms. Black -- Room 1206
Mrs. Grossenbacher -- 1208

Other locations:
--Spanish will be in the media center 
--Arts (drama, photography, and art) will meet in room 2107
--Business will be in room 2102
--Engineering and International Perspectives will be in room 2108

Curriculum night is scheduled for 6:30pm-8:00pm.  If you're unable to make it, I've attached a link to my ELA presentation below.  

Have a wonderful day and thank you for all of your amazing support.